Blog Archive

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Pinterest has helped me fall in love with weddings again.  The decorations, the invitations, the photo shoots, the details, serious... the ENDLESS amount of details it takes to pull off a gorgeous wedding.  We all want gorgeous weddings...deep down, although at the time oh what 19 years ago it was my husband that wanted the fairytale wedding more than I did.  However,that's another story for another time.

So as I have been getting more and more into my image transfer process and thinking of unique ways to repurpose this crazy amount of wood I have collected over the past year.  Some of it just cries for a sign to be made.  Having just made Robbie's Summer Rules sign I was was wanting to make more signs. I've just waiting for the right one, when all of a sudden I get a phone call from a very sweet friend Lisa.  Turns out her best friend is getting married and was wondering if I could make her a sign for the wedding?  You betcha!  She had already picked out the sentiment, but the rest was up to me.

Here's my sign.  Turns out I want to do more of them and rent them out.  And so it begins...Wedding Props by Repurposed by Michelle E. Black.

Here's the sign, hopefully she'll send me a photo of it in the actual wedding so I can post that as well.
I had cut a shipping pallet in half and the easel my parents got at a garage sale!

Now off the table saw... before I lose daylight.

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Thank you so much for your interest I will get back to you as soon as I can...