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Monday, July 2, 2012

Road to Integrity

The Road to Integrity by © Michelle E. Black 2012

Summer often feels like a blur.  I love my life and have made it a habit to keep my children engaged and put a lot of things on the summer calendar so that way they don't sleepwalk through their summers with too much television or computer/Wii or PlayStation games.  However, keeping busy has its downsides where I have little time to create my art. 

I do however, make sure I at least take the photos.  I remember doing this on my travels many moons ago in the days of film.  I knew that I may not be able to afford to get my pictures printed but if I at least took the photos I could develop them at a later date.  Its the same in summer now.  I may not have the time to create my art but if I at least write my idea down or take the photo I know at a later date I can create it.

So this is a photo I took on the 395 heading to Los Angeles from June Lake.  It is an emulsion transfer on canvas. The quote is something I wrote based on my own experiences.  Hope you like it.


  1. Love this! I am currently learning that this road is a lonely one and not the one chosen by many because there are so many easier roads out there!

  2. I hear you there. I think I wrote this as a reminder to myself. I wonder how so many people can put there heads on their pillows at night. Glad you liked it, it means a lot.


Thank you so much for your interest I will get back to you as soon as I can...