So I often take photos of the details in my life, knowing how fleeting they are and that those images can bring us right back to where we were when I took the photo. It is an art I learned to do as a wedding photographer. Brides spend countless hours on the details of their very big day so a good photographer takes the time to capture those hundreds of decisions that take place to put on such an event. It is a skill I use to capture this Not so Cookie Cutter Life of Mine. Which the title,by the way, was inspired by this very friend. I use to call myself the Cookie Cutter Wife and Mother and she protested against that saying I was anything BUT cookie-cutter. I think truthfully I fall somewhat in the middle of our descriptions of me.
Anyway, on this particular day the planets had aligned and my dear high school friend and her family were in Paris the same week myself and my daughters were. On this sunny, early summer morning was when our daughters would meet for the first time. We sat in a cafe only a block from the Eiffel Tower drinking our cafe au laits while our daughters chattered to each other planning out when we could see each other again. I remember that while there I smiled so deeply my soul sighed.
Now for how the effects on what I did to this photo...
The photo was loaded in Photoshop CS3 (because I have not yet mastered this so I have to start somewhere.) and I added a texture that I bought from the the very awesome Kim Klassen and her tutorials were so helpful. I could explain the tutorials but truthfully she rocks in that department. Plus you get the added bonus of hearing a slight Canadian accent when she says, "About." I then added one of my favorite grunge Polaroid frame I had purchased years ago from the Showit seminars I had attended.
Pleased with it and excited to share it I sent it to my friend before retiring for bed last night. This morning I woke up to read her responding email and again my heart smiled. Its nice to be reminded of the moments that are special to us and often times they are found in the details of our every day life.
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